Your Complete House Buying Checklist for 2024

Jan 7, 2024 | Buying, Checklist Articles

Hey there, future homeowner! Are you ready to ditch the world of renting and buy your very own home in 2024? We know the process can feel like a maze, but don’t worry! Our comprehensive house-buying checklist will help you navigate it.

1. Determine Your Home Buying Readiness

  • Evaluate financial stability and savings.
  • Consider life plans, career, and family goals.
  • Discuss homeownership responsibilities with a partner.

2. Complete a Financial Health Check

  • Use’s Smart Budget calculator.
  • Aim for a mortgage payment within 28% of pre-tax income.
  • Save for a 3-6 month emergency fund.

3. Obtain Your Credit Score

  • Obtain and review credit reports.
  • Dispute any inaccuracies.
  • Improve score if necessary.

4. Plan Your Down Payment Strategy

  • Decide on a realistic down payment amount.
  • Explore additional funding sources (gifts, assistance programs).
  • Remember to save for closing costs and unexpected repairs.

5. Explore Mortgage Options & Get Pre-approved

  • Explore different loan types (Conventional, FHA, VA, Jumbo, Renovation, etc.).
  • Understand fixed-rate vs. adjustable-rate mortgages.
  • Obtain a mortgage preapproval letter.

6. Craft Your Ideal Home Wish List

  • Decide on the type of home and preferred location.
  • Consider factors like safety, amenities, schools, and long-term value.
  • Choose between move-in-ready or fixer-upper.

7. Choose a Trustworthy Real Estate Agent

  • Seek referrals and read reviews.
  • Interview agents to find one who fits your needs and budget.

8. Embark on Your Home

  • Tour homes with a clear idea of what you want.
  • Use digitals to take photos and notes during visits.

9. Make a Competitive Offer

  • Work with your realtor to set a fair offer.
  • Prepare for possible counteroffers.
  • Understand and use contingencies wisely.

10. Finalize Your Mortgage

  • Complete the loan application process and prepare for underwriting.
  • Gather all necessary financial documents.

11. Secure Homeowners Insurance

  • Shop around for insurance policies that offer the best coverage for your home and belongings.

12. Schedule a Home Inspection

  • Hire a certified home inspector to uncover any hidden issues with the property.
  • Negotiate repairs or price adjustments based on the inspection report.

13. Have Your Home Appraised

  • It ensures you pay a fair price for the property and helps avoid overpaying or underestimating its value.
  • Use appraisal contingency to renegotiate or withdraw if needed.

14. Close the Deal

  • Review all closing documents thoroughly.
  • Complete a final walk-through of the property before closing.
  • Pay closing costs and get keys to your new home!

With careful planning, thorough research, and judicious decision-making, you will secure your most valuable asset and lay the foundation for life in your dream home. This is more than a financial investment; it’s where you’ll make memories, grow, and possibly even raise a family.

Ensure a successful outcome

Download this Checklist


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