Should I Sell My House Now? Unpacking the 2024 Housing Market

Mar 28, 2024 | Learn About Financing, Selling

If you find yourself pondering the question, “Should I sell my house now?” you’ve landed in the perfect spot. This article will provide you with an overview of what to expect in the real estate market in the upcoming year. I’ll explain some pivotal trends and important factors for decision-making.

The 2024 Housing Market: Trends and Predictions

Understanding the 2024 housing market forecasts will give you a leg up if you’re considering selling. The 2024 housing market is expected to be marked by a shift towards more favorable conditions for buyers, influenced by a range of factors, including mortgage rates, market trends, and new constructions.

Mortgage Rates

One of the key factors in 2024 will be mortgage rates. At the beginning of 2024, experts unanimously predicted lower mortgage rates, though not falling much below 6%. However, as of April 14, 2024, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate is 6.86%, the twenty-year fixed rate is 6.54%, and the fifteen-year fixed rate is 6.08%. The rate decrease was anticipated due to expectations that the Federal Reserve would cut interest rates multiple times in response to easing inflation.

According to Business Insider, mortgage rates spiked this week “in response to the consumer price index data, which came in hotter than expected.” It will take a decline in the inflation rate for mortgage rates to trend down. “We could see rates start to trend down in the second half of the year, but it depends on what the next few months of economic data show,” says Business Insider. A lowering of rates would impact home sales, prices, and construction. High mortgage rates in previous years have made homes less affordable and discouraged sellers with lower rates from entering the market. A reduction in mortgage rates is expected to encourage buyers to return and some sellers to enter the market/

Home Sales to Increase in 2024

Regarding home sales, forecasters predict an increase in sales throughout 2024. However, the extent of this increase varies among experts. The forecast ranges for existing home sales span from a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.21 million to 5.07 million by the end of 2024. It’s also noted that 2023 was particularly slow for home sales. So, while 2024 is expected to be better, it might not significantly improve. New home sales are expected to fare better than existing home sales, as they have become a larger share of total home sales amid tight inventories of existing homes.

Home Prices

In terms of home prices, the market continues to show record-breaking prices, with only modest relief expected in 2024. Some forecasts predict a small price increase by the year’s end. Others anticipate home prices to start and end the year at the same level or experience a modest decline. Homebuilders, however, might see price gains over the course of the year.

Competition from Builders

The 2024 housing market will also be influenced by competition from builders. With builders continuing to maintain supply and adapting to market conditions, they are increasingly focusing on lower-priced homes and are willing to make price adjustments when needed. This means sellers will have to consider the landscape for new construction housing in their markets and any implications for pricing and marketing before listing their homes.

Politics and the Economy

Additionally, geopolitical factors, domestic politics, and broader economic conditions will shape the market. The impact of geopolitical instability on trade and energy costs, domestic political changes, and the outcome of the 2024 elections could have unforeseen effects. Local market trends are also fundamental, as real estate is inherently local. What matters most is the expected conditions in specific markets.

Pros and Cons of Selling Your Home in 2024

So, what are the pros and cons of selling your home in 2024? Well, it’s essential to carefully weigh these and consider your personal situation before making a decision. But let’s break down some of the pros and cons of selling your home in 2024 to help you decide.

Pros of Selling in 2024:

    1. Potential for Increased Demand: With mortgage rates expected to lower slightly, buyer demand might increase. This can be advantageous for sellers. A reduction in mortgage rates could make housing more affordable, encouraging buyers to enter the market.
    2. Profiting with Professional Assistance: Sellers who use a real estate agent tend to earn significantly more profit compared to those who sell on their own. For instance, those who sold with an agent in 2022 and 2023 made an average of $46,603 more than those who didn’t use an agent. This suggests that professional assistance can still be quite valuable in optimizing sales outcomes.

Cons of Selling in 2024:

    1. Competition from New Constructions: There is likely to be more competition from new constructions. Builders continue to supply the market, especially focusing on lower-priced homes, which might pose competition for individual home sellers.
    2. Shift Towards Renting: The preference for renting, especially among younger demographics, could impact the pool of potential buyers. This trend might affect the demand for purchasing homes, as more people choose renting over buying due to high home prices and other financial considerations​​.
    3. Uncertainty in Pricing: Some markets have seen a decline in home prices, and sellers might face uncertainty regarding the valuation of their homes. In recent years, some sellers have had to lower their asking prices to align with the buyers’ budgets, indicating a shift from the previous seller’s market where high demand drove up prices.

Additional Considerations:

  • Home Inspection: It’s wise for sellers to consider having their own pre-sale inspection. This can help identify any major issues that could affect the sale and allow for necessary repairs before listing the property​.
  • Choosing the Right Buyers: If you have the luxury of multiple offers, avoiding problematic buyers who might complicate the process with excessive negotiations or challenges may be beneficial.

Preparing to Sell Your House in 2024

Given the increased competition and also the probable increase in home buyers in 2024, it’s important to showcase your home. One of the most effective ways to ensure you maximize your house’s purchase price is thorough preparation. By strategically addressing issues and improving the overall appeal of your property, you can significantly increase its market value and ensure a quick sale. Here are five preparations with high ROIs to consider:

    1. Enhance Curb Appeal: First impressions matter immensely when selling a home. By enhancing the exterior of your property — including landscaping, cleaning exterior surfaces, and adding fresh paint where needed — you can substantially increase its attractiveness to prospective buyers.
    2. Declutter and Deep Clean: A clean, clutter-free home is more appealing and allows potential buyers to envision themselves in the space. Make sure to clean each room thoroughly, declutter personal belongings, and consider renting a storage unit if necessary.
    3. Stage Your Home: Staging your home professionally can make it more appealing to buyers. This may involve rearranging furniture, bringing in new pieces, and creating a neutral and welcoming environment that allows buyers to envision their own lives in the home.
    4. Complete Necessary Repairs: Address any noticeable issues or defects that could deter buyers or lower your home’s value. This step might involve fixing broken appliances, repairing leaky faucets, or addressing any structural issues.
    5. Price it Right: Work with a real estate professional to set a competitive price based on the current market. Overpricing might discourage potential buyers, while underpricing might result in a lower return. It’s crucial to price your home accurately to attract the right buyers and maximize your return.

Wrapping Up: To Sell or Not to Sell?

So, is 2024 a good time to sell your home? The decision to sell is as personal as it is financial. So, take your time. Weigh the pros and cons and make the right decision for you. Here are the key takeaways to guide you:

    1. Market Conditions Favoring Buyers: The expected lowering of mortgage rates in 2024 might create a more buyer-friendly market. This could potentially increase demand for homes, benefiting sellers who are ready to enter the market.
    2. Impact of New Construction: Be aware of the competition from new housing developments. These often focus on lower-priced homes, which could compete with your property and influence pricing strategies.
    3. Shift to Renting Among Younger Demographics: An increasing preference for renting, especially among younger people, might reduce the pool of potential buyers. This trend needs consideration, particularly in areas popular among this demographic.
    4. Professional Assistance in Selling: Utilizing a real estate agent has been shown to significantly increase profits for sellers. The expertise and market knowledge of an agent can be a valuable asset in navigating the 2024 market.
    5. Uncertainties in Home Valuation: The market has seen fluctuations in home prices. Sellers should be prepared for potential adjustments in their price expectations, aligning with current market trends.
    6. Choosing the Right Buyer: If you have multiple offers, it’s advisable to carefully assess potential buyers. Avoiding problematic buyers can save you from unnecessary complications during the sale process.
    7. Preparation is Key: Enhancing curb appeal, decluttering, staging your home, completing necessary repairs, and setting a competitive price are crucial steps to make your property more appealing and facilitate a quick sale.

The answer to the question, “Should I sell my house now?” is that it may be a profitable option, especially with the right preparation and understanding of market dynamics. However, each seller’s situation is unique. It’s important to weigh these factors against your personal goals and financial needs. Keep in mind that the real estate market can be unpredictable. Staying informed and adaptable will help you make the best decision for your circumstances. And whatever you decide, we’re here to help you better understand the exciting world of real estate in 2024!

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